Read this Amazon-bestselling ghost thriller for a dollar

I haven’t run a special on my books in a long time. I guess later is better than never…

So, here you go! I’ve slashed the Kindle version of Little One down to 99 cents in the US and UK for a few days!

Look at those angry eyes! I never should have stolen her lunchbox!

Click here and buy now (US), or for my mates across the pond, click here for your 99p special.

If you like ghosts, creepy kids, houses in disrepair, and people stranded in a blizzards (you cold-hearted soul), you’ll love this haunted house novel, which in 2018 hit #1 in three different Amazon categories for Ghosts and Paranormal fiction, as well as climbing to #84 overall in the Kindle store. Since then, it’s accumulated over 130 ratings and reviews on Amazon, averaging 4.4 stars. Publishers Weekly gave it a great review, and if you can’t trust PW, really, who can you trust? Your Uncle Carl from Jersey? Yeah? Well, he likes it too, so I guess you’re out of excuses.

Hurry, though. This sale will only be around until, like next Tuesday or Wednesday or something. These discounts are always based on weird time zones that confuse me. If you’re gonna get this book, don’t put it off and trust me to know the exact day it returns to full price. Just get it now while it’s a dollar. You can’t even get a crummy gas station coffee for a buck anymore. This will last you much longer than that, and it won’t make you crap your pants while you’re on the highway. (Unless it makes you crap your pants in TERROR!!! OOooooOOoooOOooo!)

#kindledeals #ghoststories #ghostfiction #amazon #bestseller #amazonbestseller #wvreads #horrorbooks #indieauthor #littleone #creepykids #westvirginia

40,000 words into my new horror novel

I haven’t updated you guys on my latest writing project until now because whenever I start something intended to be a novel, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to remember how to write again, or I’ll get to the end and it won’t be long enough, or it will turn out to be an incoherent, unpublishable disaster. Well, I’ve been deep into a project I started this spring, and I’m relieved and excited to go into this weekend having crossed the 40k mark! What’s more, I think it might resemble something you may actually want to read.

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★★★★★ review from for my weird novella UNKNOWING, I SINK

A new review from has come out, written by Daphne Strasert, who has some very kind words to say about my strange little book:

One of the most literary horror books that I’ve picked up in the past year. Huguenin takes a subtle hand in guiding the reader through the story, letting tension build organically, before punching them in the gut with the reveal. . . . If you’re looking for creeping horror with a satisfying twist and excellent writing, pick up Unknowing, I Sink.

I’m so glad folks are enjoying this book. If you haven’t yet read it, it is the perfect size to take with you and read on the beach this summer. This chilling story will help cool you down as you lay sweating (like Mr V!) in the hot sun. It’s available in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook formats. Don’t forget to review it on Amazon and Goodreads.

Click the book cover below for more information and to purchase:

#HorrorAddicts #books #horror #bookreviews #horrorbooks #weirdfiction #weirdhorror #fivestars #literaryhorror #horrorbookreviews #novella #horrornovellas ★★★★★ review #beachreads #★★★★★

Listen now to “Drifting Into the Black” on Tales to Terrify

The folks at Tales to Terrify have done it again! My scifi horror short tale, "Drifting Into the Black", has been given new life in audio. Just released today, Episode 486 of the Tales to Terrify podcast is sure to meet your dark scifi/space survival horror/action/dread needs. Give it a listen on your way to work, or sitting at home alone in the dark.

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In which Curtis M. Lawson interviews me on the Wyrd Transmissions podcast

Fresh feasting for your famished earholes, hot off the audio griddle. Curtis M. Lawson, host of the podcast Wyrd Transmissions, has interviewed me. Listen to us chat a little about my writing and a lot more about other stuff.

Listen to “Ep. 49 – Appalachian Horror with Timothy G. Huguenin” on Spreaker.

Stream here it using the embedded player above, or go directly to the episode page, or listen on Apple Podcasts (don’t forget to rate and review the show).

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Dim Shores Presents Vol 2 shipping now

We all expected the preordered copies of Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 to have been printed and shipped out by the end of 2020. Personally, I also expected that the limited edition run would sell out quickly, or at least before publication date. Neither of those things happened, because nothing happened according to plan in 2020.

It was a rough year, all right?

But, finally, some good news: for all of you who did preorder this exciting new anthology of strange and dark tales, I’ve received word from the publisher that they’re rocking and rolling again. Delays are in the past, awesome stories in your future! I’m sure you’ll hear from Dim Shores soon with shipping info, if you haven’t already.

And for any of you who thought, "Gee, I kinda wanted that book before the limited run sold out, but it’s probably too late now . . . " Guess what? Good news for you, too. They still have copies that haven’t been claimed (I’m not sure how many). Only $18.00 gets you this delicious beauty:

Dim Shores Presents is an anthology series spotlighting some of the best new writing in speculative fiction. Weird horror, strange science fiction, and dark fantasy rub shoulders with each other here, weaving a tapestry of uncanny beauty and fearful wonder.

+ 6” x 9” trade paperback
+ Printed on 60# natural paper
+ High-quality print of front cover art
+ New Dim Shores vinyl sticker
+ This edition limited to 150 hand-numbered copies

So don’t be dumb. Order yours and find out why Dim Shores is one of my favorite small presses in the genre!

#weird #horror #scifi #darkfantasy #smallpress #indiepub #dimshores #weirdart #weirdfiction #weirdhorror #shortfiction dim shores presents vol 2 shipping now

read “The Station Agent’s Wife, 1927” for free on The Dread Machine

"The Station Agent’s Wife, 1927" is the strange story of a new mother living in Augustus Valley at the peak of its heyday as the mining capital of West Virginia. All things are looking up when her husband gets a new job with the C&O Railroad as the station agent. But we all know how fast things can go south in Augustus Valley. Soon she finds something terribly wrong with the house provided by the railroad.

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Feast your ears on my new short story on the Tales to Terrify podcast

New short story alert: "The Apocalypse of Moses" has been produced for audio by the good folks at Tales to Terrify.

Listen to “The Apocalypse of Moses” on the new episode of Tales to Terrify

This episode of Tales to Terrify includes two short stories, the first being "Red Lotus" by Leah Capgras (read by Brian Dobyns), followed by mine, "The Apocalypse of Moses" (read by Scott Fulps).

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