Fresh feasting for your famished earholes, hot off the audio griddle. Curtis M. Lawson, host of the podcast Wyrd Transmissions, has interviewed me. Listen to us chat a little about my writing and a lot more about other stuff.
Stream here it using the embedded player above, or go directly to the episode page, or listen on Apple Podcasts (don’t forget to rate and review the show).
Curtis has been hosting Wyrd Transmissions for about a year now, having put up an impressive amount of interviews with dark fiction artists including Philip Fracassi, Gwendolyn Kiste, Michael Cisco, and so many more. I have enjoyed listening to him chat with some of my favorite writers. Of course, I have to be real with you and say there’s no way I’ll be able to catch up with all of these episodes, but just pick one at random and I’m sure you’re bound to have a good time. Even better, pick mine. That’s why you’re reading my blog, right?

Curtis is more than just your friendly neighborhood dark fiction podcast host, however. He’s also a fantastic writer in his own right, with his recently released Devil’s Night available now in a gorgeous, signed limited edition hardcover from Weird House Press, illustrated by Luke Spooner! Head over to his website,, to find out more info on his books.
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