How did I miss it? The excellent podcast, Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, released the audio version of “The Yellow Carousel” in January last year (see “Episode 233: Slippery Slopes”). This weird Appalachian horror story, which was originally published by Cosmic Horror Monthly, then reprinted by YNST Magazine, is set in the Augustus Valley / High Point area, and remains one of my favorites. Nick Goroff narrates it excellently, and the fantastic vocal talents of Kyle Stroud and Rissa MontaΓ±ez breathe new life into the characters Silas and Emma. The narration is enhanced by some superb, tastefully applied sound effects, my favorite being the howling coyotes. When I wrote this story, I was living in a very rural area, quite similar to Silas’s and Emma’s home, and on many nights I woke to coyotes’ frenzied yipping. Initially unnerving, once I got used to their unique vocalizations, they became quite beautiful and comforting to me. Not so comforting for Emma, unfortunately.
Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, Episode 233: Slippery Slopes, opens with Jackson Arthur’s story, “Black Ice,” which is also narrated by Nick Goroff, along with Danielle Hewitt (Danielle voiced two of my storiesβ“The Station Agent’s Wife, 1927” for Tales to Terrify, and “She Will Come to Brood” for Creepy). “The Yellow Carousel” follows at 33:40. Find it on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Read along to the audio by pulling up the story on your phone or computer for free at YNST Magazine.
If you want more of my spookies flushed down your earpipes, I keep a Spotify playlist where I add any free audio narration of my stories whenever they are available there. Check it out and save it to your own Spotify profile for easy access!
Thanks again to the team at Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, and to you readers and listeners, for all the support. Be sure to leave a review thanking them for doing such a great job on “The Yellow Carousel”.