Cool news! I won something!
My novel When the Watcher Shakes has won Indie Author Project’s 2021 Regional Adult Fiction Award for West Virginia.
Cool news! I won something!
My novel When the Watcher Shakes has won Indie Author Project’s 2021 Regional Adult Fiction Award for West Virginia.
Publishers Weekly just released their Indie Spotlight for this October, featuring When the Watcher Shakes as one of their spooky books to read from indie authors.
Big thanks to Publishers Weekly Indie Spotlight for the shout-out! And click here to see the article to read about other Halloween-worthy books by indie authors like myself!
#publishersweekly #pw #publishersweeklyindiespotlight #pwindiespotlight #indiespotlight #october #whenthewatchershakes #wtws #appalachianhorror #westvirginia #wvwriters #smalltownhorror #suspense #fallreads
I haven’t run a special on my books in a long time. I guess later is better than never…
So, here you go! I’ve slashed the Kindle version of Little One down to 99 cents in the US and UK for a few days!
Click here and buy now (US), or for my mates across the pond, click here for your 99p special.
If you like ghosts, creepy kids, houses in disrepair, and people stranded in a blizzards (you cold-hearted soul), you’ll love this haunted house novel, which in 2018 hit #1 in three different Amazon categories for Ghosts and Paranormal fiction, as well as climbing to #84 overall in the Kindle store. Since then, it’s accumulated over 130 ratings and reviews on Amazon, averaging 4.4 stars. Publishers Weekly gave it a great review, and if you can’t trust PW, really, who can you trust? Your Uncle Carl from Jersey? Yeah? Well, he likes it too, so I guess you’re out of excuses.
Hurry, though. This sale will only be around until, like next Tuesday or Wednesday or something. These discounts are always based on weird time zones that confuse me. If you’re gonna get this book, don’t put it off and trust me to know the exact day it returns to full price. Just get it now while it’s a dollar. You can’t even get a crummy gas station coffee for a buck anymore. This will last you much longer than that, and it won’t make you crap your pants while you’re on the highway. (Unless it makes you crap your pants in TERROR!!! OOooooOOoooOOooo!)
#kindledeals #ghoststories #ghostfiction #amazon #bestseller #amazonbestseller #wvreads #horrorbooks #indieauthor #littleone #creepykids #westvirginia
Well, sort of. The first wife-readable draft is done, which is a huge weight lifted (looks like you have some new reading material, Emily).After my initial editing pass, I discovered a pretty upsetting plot hole. But today I finally got it fixed, and I can take a break from thinking about this book. In its current version, it clocks in at 78,700 words. That will, of course, change by the time it is in its final form (the very roughest draft finished at around 81k), but it’s a respectable length, even though it won’t quite come in over 80k like I had hoped.
I don’t know what to say except that I am very relieved to have got the book to its current state. I suffered many assaulting doubts while I was writing and while I was editing. Even though it is not yet in book form, it is a great relief to have finished the hardest part of the work, and I am very proud of it so far. I look forward to sharing it with you sometime in the hopefully-not-too-distant future.
All my novelist friends: keep on writing! Work through the doubts! Trust the process! Keep on chirping!
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Rest those weary eyes. My weird horror novella, Unknowing, I Sink, published in paperback and ebook last year by Independent Legions Publishing, is NOW AN AUDIOBOOK thanks to Beacon Audiobooks!
Fresh feasting for your famished earholes, hot off the audio griddle. Curtis M. Lawson, host of the podcast Wyrd Transmissions, has interviewed me. Listen to us chat a little about my writing and a lot more about other stuff.
Stream here it using the embedded player above, or go directly to the episode page, or listen on Apple Podcasts (don’t forget to rate and review the show).
It’s already here, just in time for Halloween, believe it or not. My weird horror novella, Unknowing, I Sink, is available now on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats! Click the cover below to buy it on Amazon today. Don’t forget to help me out and leave a review on Amazon after you read it!
#weirdfiction #horror #independentlegions #dread #kindle #amazon #indiepub #smallpress #octoberreads #halloweenreads #novella #publishingnews #newrelease #booklaunch
Preorders are finally live for the new weird horror anthology Dim Shores Presents, Vol. 2, edited by Sam Cowan. Visit the Dim Shores webstore and secure your copy of the limited first edition now! Along other fine authors, you’ll notice my name down there on the front cover:
The first edition will be limited to 150 copies, and I’m betting they’ll sell out fast, so order yours today.
I am excited to announce I have just signed a contract with Independent Legions Publishing for my weird novella, Unknowing, I Sink. They plan to release it this year!
Independent Legions is an awesome press based out of Italy (don’t worry, my book will be in English). The recipient of the Horror Writers Association Specialty Press Award in 2017, they have tons of amazing writers in their catalog, including Cody Goodfellow, Nicole Cushing, Owl Goingback, Philip Fracassi, Poppy Z. Brite, and Ramsey Campbell. Too many more phenomenal writers to list here. Go to to see more.
This book is probably one of my weirdest pieces, and it’s very dear to me. I can’t wait to share this one with you, and I’m extremely grateful to Independent Legions for helping me do it. As always, if you want to be absolutely sure that you don’t miss the release, sign up for my email updates (I’ll even send you a free copy of Antique Bed).
I’m running an End of Summer Sale the rest of this month (and a bit into September) on [*When the Watcher Shakes*]( — [get it on Amazon NOW]( for **only 99 cents**. That’s **over 75% off** from the original ebook price of $3.99! Don’t miss out, get it today!
***The walls were meant to keep evil out—but they only hid the evil within…***
“A chilling entry in the small-town horror genre. Huguenin combines suspense, mystery, and action in page-turning style.” — Scott Nicholson, [*The Red Church*](
99c kindle sale ebook horror suspense #99c #kindle #sale #kindledeals #buynow #endofsummer