Preorder the new limited edition weird horror anthology from Dim Shores

Preorders are finally live for the new weird horror anthology Dim Shores Presents, Vol. 2, edited by Sam Cowan. Visit the Dim Shores webstore and secure your copy of the limited first edition now! Along other fine authors, you’ll notice my name down there on the front cover:

The first edition will be limited to 150 copies, and I’m betting they’ll sell out fast, so order yours today.

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Independent Legions to publish my weird novella

I am excited to announce I have just signed a contract with Independent Legions Publishing for my weird novella, Unknowing, I Sink. They plan to release it this year!

Independent Legions is an awesome press based out of Italy (don’t worry, my book will be in English). The recipient of the Horror Writers Association Specialty Press Award in 2017, they have tons of amazing writers in their catalog, including Cody Goodfellow, Nicole Cushing, Owl Goingback, Philip Fracassi, Poppy Z. Brite, and Ramsey Campbell. Too many more phenomenal writers to list here. Go to to see more.

This book is probably one of my weirdest pieces, and it’s very dear to me. I can’t wait to share this one with you, and I’m extremely grateful to Independent Legions for helping me do it. As always, if you want to be absolutely sure that you don’t miss the release, sign up for my email updates (I’ll even send you a free copy of Antique Bed).

99c End of Summer Kindle Sale on WTWS – Buy Now

I’m running an End of Summer Sale the rest of this month (and a bit into September) on [*When the Watcher Shakes*]( — [get it on Amazon NOW]( for **only 99 cents**. That’s **over 75% off** from the original ebook price of $3.99! Don’t miss out, get it today!

Click here to buy!

***The walls were meant to keep evil out—but they only hid the evil within…***

“A chilling entry in the small-town horror genre. Huguenin combines suspense, mystery, and action in page-turning style.” — Scott Nicholson, [*The Red Church*](


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80k and running the home stretch

Today, I broke 80,000 words on my work in progress. This was my original goal. In fact, it had been my goal when writing Schafer, though I only made it somewhere in the 70s on the first draft, dropping to 69.5k after revisions made it ready for submission. I’ve always been a little insecure about the short length of my previous books, so for me, it’s a pretty big deal to surpass this barrier.

I am very close to the end, too. I believe I’ll finish this first draft this week or next. While it’s likely that later revisions will shorten the manuscript, meaning it isn’t guaranteed the final book will end up past my goal, I’m very happy to have made it so far. I will be celebrating with some of the leftover birthday cake Emily got me (chocolate cake, peanut butter frosting, topped with peanut butter cups).

Though I still have a little more work to do on this draft (then a lot of work to do in editing and revision), I’m feeling very satisfied today and hopeful that this book isn’t going to turn into the disaster I feared (I always get scared in the middle of a project that it’s all going to implode and leave me with an unfixable mess—this has happened before).

I can see the finish line! Woohoo!

Happy Birthday to me: an update that is probably too long and one nobody really needs to hear

I’m writing this on my birthday. I am now 31 years old, young enough to still remain active and be considered “young” by a lot of folks, but old enough that my body constantly reminds me that I am no longer invincible.

It’s been a great birthday so far. I’ve taken the day off from writing. Two fried eggs and a pourover coffee for breakfast, a mango and some leftover stir fry for lunch. Since a little before noon, I have been smoking a rack of spare ribs in my Weber kettle charcoal grill. The weather has been mostly sunny, with a few large clouds that threatened to drop but so rolled on by. The temperature has hovered around 70 degrees F. Initially, I had some difficulty in getting the grill up to temp (supposed to keep within 225-265, aiming at 250 as much as possible), but now I’m over four hours into it and for the majority I’ve been able to keep it steady in the 250s. I’ve been reading the latest issue of The Atlantic and listening to the new Miles Davis collection Dad and Mom got me for my birthday, checking the grill temperature and making adjustments every twenty minutes or so. Today, I feel relaxed and happy.

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Bloodshot Books swag available

Hey guys, hope you all are staying safe out there. Emily and I are holed up over here on our mountain, though we have to go out occasionally for milk and bread. Don’t worry, we have our masks!

Bloodshot Books, my publisher for my next novel (Schafer, coming 2021) has just started an online merch store. Check it out by clicking the link here: I don’t know about you, but I think I’m getting me one of them mugs. Like I don’t have enough coffee mugs…

Antique Bed free until Friday night

It’s a confusing and scary time. I don’t think I’m likely to get seriously ill from the Corona Virus due to my location, age, and health, but there are a lot of very vulnerable people, some of whom I know. And even those of us who do not get sick, or badly sick, still have to deal with the impact the pandemic is having on the economy.

They say that the best thing we can do to slow the spread of the virus is to stay home. So here we all are. Some of us are more used to avoiding the public than others. Some are more temperamentally inclined to stay home. Others are used to being out with friends and/or coworkers constantly and don’t know what to do with their time. Shelter in place, by itself, is certainly not the worst thing to happen to us, compared to what might happen if we didn’t all shut ourselves in for a little while.

Still, it can be frustrating, even for the most introverted among us. Many of my author friends have already offered some of their work for free for readers struggling to stay sane as they find themselves with more free time than usual. So in that spirit, I’m running a Kindle Free Book Promotion on my novelette, Antique Bed. It will remain free until Friday. Click on the thumbnail below to go straight to the Amazon page, where you can order the ebook to be delivered straight to your device for no charge.

I’m praying we get through this soon. Keep my sister in your thoughts and prayers, as she is a nurse on the front lines of this battle against the virus. They are low on supplies and are being forced to re-use their masks, which sounds absolutely crazy to me. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Please be cautious everyone.