Little One in Top 100s in GHOSTS Amazon Category

Good things: 1) My water is running again! and 2) Little One reached my ranking goal for tonight, as you can see from the picture:
Thanks to everyone who helped me get the word out, and thanks ESPECIALLY if you bought my books! I hope you love the stories.
But the #snowpocalypse2018 sale isn’t over yet, even if this #bombcyclone is done past, so if you know of any other Kindle lovers needing some horror, pass the word along! It would be pretty cool to get into the Top 10 of any subgenre category in a couple days. I know Amazon’s lists can change rapidly, in either direction. Hey, it’s a fun ride while it lasts, maybe we can hold on a little longer.

Click here to buy LITTLE ONE for $0.99

Click here to buy WHEN THE WATCHER SHAKES for $0.99

One thought on “Little One in Top 100s in GHOSTS Amazon Category

  1. For sure! Glad to hear about water as well. We used to use those hang on a hook style shop lights with a hundred watt bulb under the skirting back when I lived in a trailer. Those and temperature controlled heat tapes make life a lot more pleasant in winter! You can use the non-temp controlled heat tapes if you are diligent. Hoping that 2018 is your year to make that big leap forward into bigger literary markets! I think people will gobble up your books if they get a chance to really see them in stores. The good thing with both your novels is that they work for everyone and don’t require anything of the reader. Your writing gives, not takes.
    I’m noticing that the more I meet people in the speculative world that some folks really have major agendas they want to push. That’s okay and part of living in the free world, BUT…I don’t really have time to join funky fringe causes. What I want to do is help good writers get positive exposure and write my own stories and poems with the plan of moving forward as well. Onward and upward!

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