Writer Resources: Polgarus Studio Formatting

Formatting a book is something that a lot of self-published authors attempt on their own, and not always for the better. It appears that many are well suited for it, or at least are able to do it well enough, while others experience headaches and turn out a book that doesn’t look exactly right, or as professional as one would hope. While I’m usually a pretty quick study when it comes to computery things, the last thing I wanted to do in getting this book ready was to take on all the tedium and possible nightmares of book formatting in addition to all the other responsibilities a self-published author has.
Thankfully, I found Polgarus Studio.
Polgarus Studio is a company that provides editing and formatting services for both ebook and print versions of your book. While I have not worked with them for editing, I was pleased to find how easy, quick, and affordable their formatting services were. Considering all the stuff you have to get right when turning a Microsoft Word document into an ebook and also an interior print PDF, these guys could not have done it more quickly or for a better price. In fact, in their FAQ, they pose the question to themselves: “Why are you so cheap?” and answer, “Because we have developed a work flow that allows us to work quickly and efficiently (one advantage to working in HTML). And because we don’t believe in charging $150 an hour just because it’s a computer-related task!”
These guys have worked with the best; a quick look around their website will find testimonials from bestselling authors like Hugh Howey and others. If it’s good enough for Hugh Howey, it’s good enough for me.
They also work back and forth with you until you’re happy. I was very pleased to work with them, and I would recommend these guys to any self-publishing author who is not ready to take on for themselves the daunting challenge of book formatting. I don’t have personal experience with their editing, but I suppose that one could expect the same level of professionalism in that as well.
If you have a manuscript ready, go ahead and get a quote from them; I am willing to bet it will be much lower than you expect, considering the work that it would take for you to do it yourself. They are quick and professional and had no trouble working with them.

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