Meet me at Alexandria on Main on June 22! Get tickets now

On June 22nd, from 6pm–8pm, I’ll have the honor of discussing my writing at Alexandria on Main, Elkins’s new independent bookstore. Dr. Ashley Lawson, a professor at West Virginia Wesleyan College, will be facilitating the conversation with me, after which I’ll be signing copies of my books. I heard a rumor that there might be snacks. SNACKS!

Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for students, and can be purchased online at Alexandria on Main’s website.

Please come and support our local independent bookstore!

The new manuscript is coming along #amwriting #horror

Well, at the beginning of the year I mentioned a new novel idea that came to me recently that caused me to table the Bigfoot novel for a while. I’m pleased to say that I have continued to make progress on it, but I’m moving more slowly than previous novels. For my last two books, I averaged about five thousand words per week. Right now I’ve been averaging just a bit more than half that. However, at around 12,000 total words so far, I’ve already written more than I had over the course of two years working off-and-on with the Bigfoot book. So I’m feeling pretty good about it, overall. It is currently set in Elkins, WV, a town that I am getting to know and love a lot lately.

That’s really all I had to say about the book. I am hoping it turns out well and will love to be able to share it with you when I am able.

Other announcements should be coming soon. Stay tuned and don’t forget to sign up for email notifications so you don’t miss my next major releases.

Signing @ Counter Culture Concepts in Elkins, WV on January 27th

I’m stoked to announce that I’ll be at Counter Culture Concepts in Elkins, WV (114 3rd St) for a book signing! Come out on Saturday, January 27th around 4:00 pm to meet me and purchase a signed copy of Little One. For info on the address/location, click here.
A huge thanks to owner Ben Simmons for helping me set this up. If any of you guys are near Elkins and don’t know about his shop, check it out. This is the place to go around here for enthusiasts of Magic: The Gathering, comic books, and other kinds of trading cards, and Ben is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.