I don’t listen to the radio as much as I listen to podcasts, but most of my favorite podcasts are derived from public radio, so NPR is dear to me. And they are piling on some major bonus points. Having polled readers for their favorite horror novels and stories, judges who are well-known within the horror fiction community sifted through the results and whittled them down to an expertly curated list of one hundred! Find them here and figure out what you need to add to your reading list. I’m happy to say that one of the works I nominated made it to the list: “The Repairer of Reputations”, which is one of my favorite short stories and the first in Robert W. Chambers’ unforgettable classic collection, The King in Yellow.
Wish List
Wishing for more books (and more space for them)
Amazon is a nightmare if you’re trying to keep your book collection small in case you need to move soon (a “small” book collection in my case means a full bookshelf in my room, six large boxes full in storage, and other books scattered all over the house). I’ve recently been slowly trying to purge the ones I don’t really need to hold on to. Like today, I just made myself part with another boxful of books in order to feel a little more comfortable in the amount of packing I’ll need to do if I ever move out of this tiny apartment.
And then I find stuff like this:

I’ve put off reading this classic because I want to have this one, the 50th Anniversary Edition. Is is that important? I guess it is to me. I’m a little weird like that.

William Gorman’s debut novel from Crystal Lake Publishing. Love that cover art!
What to do, what to do? I’ll probably end up buying these eventually. Trying to be content for now. I really don’t have much room for more (not that I ever turn a book down if I find a good deal).