February is a great, expensive month, and Stephen King is still alive

February is home to one of my favorite holidays, Valentine’s Day. It’s also the month in which houses my wife’s birthday. So I’ll be spending more money this month than usual. But that’s okay, because she usually shares the chocolate I buy her.
I would be remiss (not amiss, thank you Google!) if I didn’t mention that February is also Black History Month. I’m not extremely well-read on the subject, but I do want to take this opportunity to shout out about The Color of Water, an inspiring and incredible memoir by James McBride.
In other February news:
I’m looking forward to begin communication with the graphic designer that will be working on my book’s cover. I booked Design for Writers a little while back, and they said I should be contacted sometime around the beginning of February to begin the work. Pretty psyched about that.
Also, I have an editor (David Gatewood) scheduled to take my manuscript later this month! He’s one of the best out there, and I look forward to working with him.
So, good things happening this month! Hey, any advice for good birthday and/or Valentine’s Day presents, I’m all ears; I haven’t decided what I’m getting Emily yet.
I know this is not the greatest of blog posts; I was just kind of checking in to let everyone know I’m still here. Apparently there was a rumor circulating a few days ago that Stephen King had died, but he (or probably one of his PR people) logged onto his blog to dispel that rumor and reassure all of his fans. Of course, if had been true, I wouldn’t be too surprised if he continued to write bestsellers from beyond the grave. I mean, this happens all the time, right? Or am I misunderstanding the term ghostwriter?

Merry Christmas

As an interneter, I’ve fallen a bit short. I was going to have some sort of great holiday email sent our to my subscribers, and a cheery yet thought provoking Christmas themed blog post. But I got sick this week, and I lost all motivation, and the best I can come up with is a few sentences about not blogging and this picture of the Grinch from last night’s traditional Christmas Eve viewing:
I like the Grinch. He and I both have an inexplicable dislike for Christmas carols.
Remember the Savior come as a humble baby. He will come again as a conquering King. Merry Christmas everyone. Now I gotta get out of bed and make my wife some biscuits.