Merry Christmas

As an interneter, I’ve fallen a bit short. I was going to have some sort of great holiday email sent our to my subscribers, and a cheery yet thought provoking Christmas themed blog post. But I got sick this week, and I lost all motivation, and the best I can come up with is a few sentences about not blogging and this picture of the Grinch from last night’s traditional Christmas Eve viewing:
I like the Grinch. He and I both have an inexplicable dislike for Christmas carols.
Remember the Savior come as a humble baby. He will come again as a conquering King. Merry Christmas everyone. Now I gotta get out of bed and make my wife some biscuits.

Writing and fear

In a newsletter I sent out around Thanksgiving, I told my readers that I had been struggling with getting any writing-related work done over the holiday, and it wasn’t as much because of laziness as it was of fear. I’m pretty sure that, if you’ve been writing a while (or even if you’ve just started), you probably know what I mean. Maybe you don’t. Many non-writers may not realize that fear can be one of a writer’s greatest hindrances. A lot of times, when a writer has “writer’s block,” most of it is from fear.
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Writer Resources: The Author Hangout Podcast

I love to read, but when it comes to how-to, news, or other non-fiction information, podcasts are my jam. You can listen to them on the way to work, while you’re eating breakfast, while you’re washing the dishes, cooking–I could go on. It’s just about the most convenient way for me to absorb current, interesting, helpful information in a way that fits better into my schedule. I could do a whole blog post about how much I love to listen to podcasts and which ones I think you should check out, and because my interests are so diverse, most of them wouldn’t be related to writing or publishing at all.

But this one is.

In fact, the podcast I want to tell you about today is probably the single greatest influence on my journey to self-publishing.

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