Another one of my stories gets new life breathed into it—listen now to the audio podcast production of “The Station Agent’s Wife, 1927” by our good friends at Tales to Terrify! My story is read by Danielle Hewitt, who also did a great job reading my other story “She Will Come to Brood” for Creepy.
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Listen now to “Animals” on Tales to Terrify
Tales to Terrify is coming at you again—this time, with my short story "Animals." Just released today, Episode 556 of the Tales to Terrify podcast will get you where you need to be, if where you need to be is creeped out and revolted. Might be a good one to listen to while you get dinner ready; just my suggestion. Or maybe sitting by yourself in the shed out back. Keep an eye out for rats.
Got another one coming to TALES TO TERRIFY
I don’t have details on when yet, but wanted to let you know I recently signed another reprint contract with Tales to Terrify, the great short horror fiction podcast that has published two of my other stories, "The Apocalypse of Moses" and "Drifting Into the Black.".
This time you’ll get to listen to "Animals," originally published in 2017 on I will let you know when it’s released.
New Year, New Ewe – reviewing 2021 and new #amwriting goals for 2022
New Year, New Ewe

No, I didn’t really buy a sheep, much to my wife’s dismay I’m sure. I just can’t resist a bad pun, even if it has nothing to do with my life.
Now is when I review the previous year and make some goals for the next.So, here we go.
Listen now to “Drifting Into the Black” on Tales to Terrify
The folks at Tales to Terrify have done it again! My scifi horror short tale, "Drifting Into the Black", has been given new life in audio. Just released today, Episode 486 of the Tales to Terrify podcast is sure to meet your dark scifi/space survival horror/action/dread needs. Give it a listen on your way to work, or sitting at home alone in the dark.
New Year #amwriting 2020 in review and 2021 goals
Good riddance, 2020! For sure, this year has not been the all-around best of times. However, writing-wise, I’ve actually been doing pretty good this year. According to my annual custom, I will review last year’s achievements, then make a few goals to shoot for going forward.

Feast your ears on my new short story on the Tales to Terrify podcast
New short story alert: "The Apocalypse of Moses" has been produced for audio by the good folks at Tales to Terrify.
This episode of Tales to Terrify includes two short stories, the first being "Red Lotus" by Leah Capgras (read by Brian Dobyns), followed by mine, "The Apocalypse of Moses" (read by Scott Fulps).